Tuesday, August 24, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth#47-Mont Blanc, France-"This highest of all the Alps takes root in France, Italy and Switzerland. Essaying any portion of the hiking circuit will quickly repay the effort. Mont Blanc, itself a sight to behold, is surrounded by a cornucopia of architecture, culture, cuisine, and, to be sure, landscape studded with glaciers, pastures and waterfalls." And I have been here!!!!! It was years and years ago, but I saw Mont Blanc from a distance and managed to barely get my eyes open to see it cause I was sooooo tired from the crazy time difference...It was really foggy along the top, but I got to see it, as well as going to Italy and Switzerland there in Geneva...I loved every bit of it, and can't wait to go back.. In Geneva, they have a huge clock on the side of the hill built in the gardens made up of flowers that is an actual working clock...have no idea how they did that, but was totally fasinated with it....I loved Mont Blanc...it was gorgeous, and went on forever..I'd never attempt to climb it though, cause I'm not a mountain climber, just like I'm not a camper or a hiker....Gorgeous place to visit though!!!! I wasn't sorry that I saw this!!!! Love it deeply!!!!

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