Sunday, August 15, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth#38-Madagascar, Africa-"This island nation separated from Africa 165 million years ago, and today, despite economic and political challenges, it is without a doubt one of nature's most bountiful treasure chests. Madagascar's isolation has led to its many remarkable inhabitants, such as lemurs, fossas, aye-ayes and tenrecs, that are even more interesting and strange than their singular names." I had a wonderful weekend doing whatever I wanted to, and today finally getting to sit down on here and order for the entire afternoon because we have absolutely NOTHING here. It is all for looks honestly and I've had it....I found everything that I was looking for online here, now I just have to wait here about 2 months and will get it right about the time we are getting ready to move into temporary housing for the last few weeks...can't wait though, I have nothing else to get excited about but that.....Oh wow, today I work up with this gigantic tangle all in my hair and I absolutely COULD NOT get that out...It would involve me yanking at it, and getting so frustrated I would cut it, and I wasn't going to do that...So I went and let the professionals handle it, so I wouldn't have to...My hair is about down to my waist, so it's very very long to begin with, and I had 2 enormous tangles I wouldn't even touch...All that for switching over to kids hair ties that I could not use but thought I could and only liked them for the design...Not working for me, not with as much hair as I have, and it turned it all into a total mess....I was sitting there for at least 30 minutes trying not to burst out crying I was so scared and kept feeling tugging at it, and they had to put some kind of oil in it about 5 times but finally got it straightened back out...I got 3 bottles of that stuff they used on me, and that is NEVER going to happen to me again....I have not been that scared to death since someone threw gum in my hair, and I won't get near gum to chew it or even look at it...I am sooo glad that is over with, and it all worked out, but wow I can't stand having scares like that....I started on a summer watermelon art picture this weekend and should be finished with it tonight....I'll get it framed along with a few other things I've done over the summer, then go snap crazy on pictures, and put them all on here for you all to see..I hope everyone likes them...not so sure who else to show here, or who else would even care to see stuff like that, but I"m always having to keep busy with something like that...mmmmm I'm burning my sugar cookie scentsy scent now, and it smells sooooooo good...I ordered a whole slew of that stuff today, and can't wait until it comes..I doubt that I will get to use it here if at all, but I'm just glad to have finally gotten it out of my system...hope everyone had a fantastic long as I get my stuff being over here, I'm all smiles and fine and dandy...I don't care what all goes on here, and plenty of stuff surely does...I did more rearranging and organizing, I'm just about up to the point where I can take pics of everything cause this is the best place I have lived since Italy...Too bad it won't be for very long...good night everyone, I hope this week is a blur cause I'm sick to death of summer...scentsy is too awesome come and visit their website!!! xoxoxo good night!!!

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