Tuesday, August 10, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth-#33-Australian Outback-"The Outback-a.k.a."back of beyond" and "never-never land"-refers to most of the land apart from the continent's population centers. It is a very dry region, and its blue skies provide a brilliant backdrop for the land's reds and ochers. Kangaroos, emus and the world's only wild camels are common sights. The Outback is the last area where Australian Aborigianals sustain their ancient ways." I think back to my trip to Australia back in April this year, and I want to say that we were on the very very edge of the Outback, with as much driving as they did on some days, and as far as the took us to some of those places in Western Australia, whenever we were all the way on the other side of the continent staying in Sydney....There really is NOTHING out there, just wilderness, and mountains, maybe weeds scattered here and there...Pretty scary to think about if you got dumped off out there....Exactly why I won't do the camping thing...Loved seeing the mountain ranges there though with legends behind them. There really is nothing else like it...So glad I got to see it while I was over here with only a few months left now....These pics are of our 4th of July "celebration" that they just kind of threw together in one of the fields/parks here and everyone here threw an absolute fit over it to go...It really wasn't that great kind of boring actually but this is what we had...sooo depressing after seeing the celebrations all over the country back in the states with fireworks going off in-sync to music and I'm stuck with stuff like this for the kids...ugghhhhh I definately am not putting up with something like this next year....tooo boring we didn't even stay the whole time, just walked through to so that I could get some pathetic pics to make fun of later on, and left and watched fireworks where we were parked at then left before they were over with to avoid the traffic jams. This is something like a small town would throw together cause everyone there has known each other their entire lives and they don't know any better....My last year for putting up with this mess....never again...I really can't take how they get more and more pathetic year after year and everything is directed towards kids and no one else seems to matter...

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