Thursday, April 29, 2010

So it was my last full day at the resort here..It turned nice out for a few hours here...The sun actually came out, and it stopped raining. It hadn't stopped for about 4 days so far...hmm it was nice being around the mountains again up here, and away from the boring buildings and parking lots with cars and iron gates in the housing edition that I still am living in here....Still there is a gate around this place, but it's not as bad as what I have to put up with in Okinawa City....hmm I absolutely loved sitting on a beach with actual SAND not jagged rugged stabbing ROCKS like all the other ones seem to have here...NO NOT ALL BEACHES HAVE SAND, EVEN THOUGH SOME PEOPLE INSIST THAT THEY DO....I read one book after another, and it was soo nice not having to worry about some time schedule...This is supposed to be off-season, and still it's half-way crowded...The wind has picked up again here, so so much for nice weather lasting long up here....That doesn't seem to be the case the higher up we get here...I finally leave tomorrow, and I'm ready to go back...I can't get on half of the stuff that I do at home on here....I don't know what to do with myself cause I'm so used to being on here...One more day, and I can get back to feeling normal again, or what seems normal to me, even if it is being on here....have a good evening all....=)

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