Thursday, April 8, 2010

howdeeee all☺ this is going to be my last entry until I reach Sydney since I won't be able to be on here tomorrow...Or I can be, but the date will be wrong so I will just have to wait until Saturday and it will come up as Friday hopefully...just several more hours and I will be off this island...I hope I will be able to sleep tonight...I haven't been off of here since 2007 =p everytime I tried something happened or got in the way...I've stayed locked in for the past 2 days determined for NOTHING to happen to me or anything else around me to mess me up again. I have to get out of here and off this place, I don't know how else to explain it to anyone else who has never been on a stupid island before...I will take along my laptop, but I am not sure how much luck I will have on connecting, so I'll be holding my breath that I will be able to get on...I will be 2 hours more over in Australia than whenever I am here in Okinawa... So the time difference is as far as you can possibly go before reaching the United States again. I just need a break from this place honestly, and I'm finally going to get it, take care everyone, I will talk with u when I get the chance....xxxxxx☺ April 9th 2010 hi once again...sorry I just don't know what to do with myself just sitting here waiting..I decided to see if my laptop is still up to par and actually working, and luck is on my side finally cause yahhhh it is....lucky me...=0)What a nightmare it was packing for 2 straight days.....I finally got it all though, now the challege is keeping up with it all...ughhhhhh can't wait to dump it all off in the room and forget about it cause it's already annoying me....Not too much has been happening...I just had to get out today earlier to get my Taco Bell fix, and to have my Oreo shake before I left here.. They definately don't have Mexican food where I"m going, and they don't even like I don't expect to see anything resembling Mexican for about a week....And I also have to force myself to get back out into society and remind myself that I am still a part of it, even though I don't like the type of society that I am around right now here.....I spent like 2 hours learning the video camera last night...I think I got it now....I just never messed with them before...I always wanted to be in the limelight and get on those things talking and talking and making fun of everything.....I never bothered to do it, but now I"m kind of forced into it....I got it though, so I just hope I don't mess that up....I"m tooo excited and I can't even talk with anyone now cause I"m in cyber cafe on my laptop, and their yahoo has been down here for the past month...It does nothing but keep going around and around and waiting for it to connect..... last night, we had huge storms here, and it knocked my internet out completely and I was up well past midnight being a bundle of nerves the night before.. and the waiting is enough to kill me.....I miss my cats too much, I could tell they were sad to see me leaving, but I plan to call and acutally talk on the speaker phone and let them hear my voice while I'm gone....I'm tooo thrilled to be getting away from this place...It is Spring Break here this week,I haven't had my own Spring Break vacation since I was a kid myself...I will try my very best to keep in touch on here the best way I know how...I will tell everything that I'll get to do and see, and I"m also keeping a journal on me and writing everything down.....okay so I guess I will go now...take care everyone I will be thinking of u all.....xxxxxx

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