Friday, April 16, 2010

After a full week in Sydney, Australia, I'm leaving tonight... I"m not looking forward to going back to miserable Okinawa, but I've heard the paperwork has already been started for us to move at the end of the year, so that only gets me more and more excited. I won't get to leave until right before Christmastime, when the rest of the world is deciding to travel as well for the holidays. It's hard to leave here, but at least I can say that I got out of Okinawa and saw Sydney while I was over on this side of the world. Totally different from any other place I have ever seen before..I will never figure out these streets here ever ever....It jumps from 60, to 30, then 14?????? That's not even in any kind of order, and makes absolutely no sense at all... Downtown is a million thousand times worse than that... I'm done with that for the rest of the time I am here.. Getting lost twice there was no fun, and was completely exhausting...Of course I don't tell that to my family back home I would never hear the end of it me traveling alone again....And this is the best way I think to fully enjoy anything...I ran into stuff that I would have never ever seen if I was with a full group all tagging along after each other, and I loved every minute of what I saw...I got so many pictures, that I filled up all 3 cameras just about... I'm under 100 on mine, and I ran the battery completely down on the other, and I filled up all 3 tapes on video. So I'm done with the picture taking for awhile, that should last for the rest of the time I am here....I have the entire day again to myself until we leave tonight, and I will finally be home tomorrow sometime....I have a full week there before I leave for the resort but I will still be able to chat, as they have a cyber cafe there as well. I"m too excited to see my cats again, they have no animals here running freely like they do over in Okinawa. They are extremely strict on everything here. So not too much more is happening now, I found another nice park on the top of Wynyard Station here....Their train station, that I've gone to everyday while I"ve been here...They have so many parks here I couldn't even go to them all...We have nothing like that....Guess I"ll take off now, and I'll chat with everyone when I get home and recooperated again finally...take care... Love from Sydney Australia!!!!

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