Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy April everyone... Finally this year is moving along like it should be once we get over the humps at the beginning of the year where absolutely nothing really happens and it's so slow starting out again being another year. I had to go to some awards ceremony today, I don't like attention as it is, so as soon as I heard of this, I couldn't wait for it to be over with. I was warned about it being an April Fools joke, and to just be cautious since I can't stand pratical jokes being played on me in front of hundreds of people so they can get a laugh out of me who has absolutely nothing to do with this place. hmm let's see, several others here went and dyed their hair the same natural red color as me, whenever they were blond or something else before. Then of course acted like nothing was different. I get that everyplace I go, and can't stand it. People going around trying to copy me, or be like me, and they can't even come close. I get pretty bored out of my mind at those formal things, and my mind drifts to other things. I couldn't wait for this thing to be over with so we could go to dinner and I didn't have to be around a bunch of sorry souls trying desperately to be exactly like me. It was almost over, and someone went up to get the Commander's Cup. The most hugest award they give out. The thing looked like a punch bowl honestly. One guy goes up there to grab it, and coming back there were 3 steps. He got the first 2, missed the last one, and went flat down in front of like 300 people. He broke the bottom off that thing and landed on it. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, cause that would have been something I definately would have done. There was a very awkward silence then, and then it was pretty much over. I just never see those kind of mishaps whenever I'm around, I hear about them plenty, or see them on here. Just a once in a lifetime moment, but I'm glad I got to see one instead of just having to listen to it....One more day this week I can't wait since I have huge plans coming up that are finally going to happen....☺xxxxxx

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