Monday, July 26, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth-#18-Mammoth Cave-Kentucky-
"For those looking for something truly out of the ordinary, this epoynymous national park in Kentucky delivers the goods. At 360 miles, it is three times longer than any other cave system in the world, and has an unrivaled array of geological formations and underground lakes and rivers. There are lighted paths, of course, and for the more daring a wild-cave tour is available." I am not really impressed by this at all, because we have a cave just like this here in Okinawa at "Okinawa World" and you really have to be into the earth and what makes it up to get excited about this kind of thing, different rock formations and names of all that stuff and I most definately am not of course....To me when I went through it, it was just a wet cave with water dripping everywhere cause it was underground, and we were underground, so it always stayed wet like that, and always had more developing...uuugghhhh guess it's fasinating if you are into that kind of thing, but after awhile, it was nothing but a big bore to me cause I didn't understand it all...Nice to see though, just to say that you got to see one, and experience what it was like, but I definately don't wanna make it part of my life where that would be something I would always be talking about is what develops in different caves....I'd take unpacking anyday other than that....Got most of the boxes unpacked, now it's just all laying around and up to me to rearrange it or do something with it..Shoving it in a box and stacking them back up sounds pretty good to me right now...This is 7 years of everything since Italy...I'm not wasting any more weekends doing this so every night this week I"ll do some and should be done by the end of this week....=) good night everyone hope to get my pics on here this weekend I hope I hope!!!! =)

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