Thursday, May 6, 2010

I finally got to my pink camera...Ughhhh I have sooo many pics now that I"m actually going through them I about wanna cry...I spent 5 hours last night printing them out on my camera to put in my scrapbook I'm making of Australia...I ran outta everything then after 2 boxes, and I'm still not finished.....I'm slowly going to put these on here cause I have so many, a lot more on this camera than I did my last, and I haven't even touched on editing my videos yet...I probably won't cause that's so boring to me, I will just leave it and let it run through the boring parts cause now that I watch it, there were quite a few...Gorgeous scenery though, I just don't wanna hear myself talk constantly...I think that I scare some people half to death sometimes cause I talk so much about anything and everything and come across to the ones with a "cold shoulder" as being "overly friendly" at least to them...I'm around people here from all over the country back in the US, so everyone acts different...Where I come from, everybody talks to everybody, whether u know them or not...I've been doing that all over the world so far..some are okay with it, others are half-way freaked out by it...not sure why, but I'd rather take that approach than the stuck-up side to life...=) These picks are the beginning of my trip...The first one is going from Taipei, Taiwan leaving for Sydney, Australia. Taipei is where I had about a 2 hour wait and was wandering around and found a cyber place and stopped long enough to say "hi" to everyone before I did something, and all the characters switched over to Chinese...I had no idea what I did, but leave it to me...I had no idea how to get it back, and then I had to leave anyways..The 2nd one is when I arrived in Sydney after putting up with the annoying guy next to me for an entire NIGHT snoring and getting on my nerves...I have no idea how on earth I get stuck with these people....The rest are just of my hotel there in Sydney. Gorgeous, beautiful hotel, but the rooms were nothing like that...Just a bed and bathroom and flatscreen tv on the wall....Still I was glad to have my own though so I didn't have to put up with anyone after putting up with him for the past 24 hours and I couldn't do anything...The park there was on top of the train station. I went there nearly everyday I loved it so much, and it hurt to have to leave. I had never seen such a gorgeous park since I was back in Italy. That was just one of the parks, they had them all over, and no one messed them up. We have nothing like that here, I couldn't get enough of going to them. I wished that I could take them with me instead of just pictures....The last one I believe is just a building there in Sydney...I wanted to get everything I possibly could...I loved it there, I miss it so much now. I can't believe how fast it just flew by... A month ago I was getting ready to leave to I'm back in Okinawa trying to get used to a normal life and a normal schedule again...I hope to make it to Tokyo in the next few months, and I hope it doesn't get knocked out by some rotten typhoon again this year.....good night everyone talk with u all soon on here take care....xxxxxx enjoy the pics from Sydney, Australia more to come by the way!!!! =) ☺☺☺♥♥☺

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