Sunday, May 2, 2010

I just had to put this on here...Another one of these crazy obnoxious videos my husband and his friends get a kick out of, and pass it around, and somehow I always get pulled into watching these things, but some really are funny...I wasn't aware people still acted this way....I thought that I was about the only one when I was about that age and younger who was into the "practical jokes" or "being annoying to get to everyone else, but it was funny later on..." Hmm...I pulled a few things on my family members/siblings growing up...nothing like this just being a nuisance on purpose, but if I can remember correctly, someone fell asleep, and I had to get a laugh out of it....It was falltime, and I got as many leaves as I could and tied them to strings, and taped them to the ceiling... Whenever they woke up, they had all these orange and brown, some dead, fall leaves hanging down all around them....LOL LOL LOL....I of course thought it was dead funny, and went and told as many of my friends as I could, and I am still telling it, cause it took me forever to do something like that...hmmm I wonder why I can't be around funny sarcastice people like this now, I'm one of those people who knows every song on the radio when it comes on, so I would have a million of those to drive others up the wall...either on purpose, or just to get a laugh....I think there are a few more of these, but I did the same stuff growing up, so it doesn't really surprise me...I'm just around totally serious cemetary workers now, so this is very rare for me to see anything like this...still I can't give up that part of me....I will start posting my other pics from AUSTRALIA this week...I mangaged to print some off tonight, and had a blast doing so...

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