Monday, November 28, 2011

We're In Another One Of Those "Months" That Never Seems To END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems to me the months that I want to end and get over with are always the absolute most longest...I still can't believe this month is NOT over with....Everything is over with...Thanksgiving is done and over with, Christmas has been shoved at us since summer, now that we have Christmas stuff staring us in the face, next month society will start with Valentine's Day...I'm sure everyone has heard the crazy stories that happened here all over the country on Black Friday...I wouldn't get in that mess for anything...I did my holiday shopping online and was just fine with that...Not the crowd person at all, and I definately don't wanna be pushed and shoved, shot at, pepper sprayed or ran over with a car, or knocked down, and trampled on...That doesn't sound exactly enjoyable to me...I have no idea why others would want to put themselves through that...I guess to impress everyone else around them...Me on the other hand, I stopped caring about impressing others decades ago... Only 2 more days to go I hope the rest of this year flies by like crazy...I'm sooo ready to get my life and my own place back... here's my husband's website again everyone.....

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