Saturday, November 26, 2011

Lies Lies and More Lies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

So I've been fuming most of today over something that happened way this morning whenever I woke up and got on Facebook first things as always....I could not believe what I saw....Someone that was in crochet class with all year, posted some "fun" thing where you put others names under labels....When I saw my name on there, I about fell over...This is someone who NEVER speaks to me, we're just in class together, and that's it. We don't get along, we don't see things eye to eye, and she has the nerve to go and publicly call me names and post it all over the internet....This is how it went..."Facebook is a fairytale, go to your friends list, and place them in order with the ones that you see first....enjoy!!!!"

Evil Queen:
Secretly Evil:
Summer Hero:
Damsel in distress:
Knight in shining armor:
The Evil Queen's sidekick:
Rightful Queen:

She goes and puts me down as a "goody goody" cause I'm such a perfectionist, on the President's Honour Roll at my University, a Straight A student, always making something, still in touch with my students from before, I have no trouble making friends, I love being in college again, and can't stand to be tied down to one spot for anyone or anything...Someone like her just can't stand that...oh, and I never do anything to get into trouble either...I went a few weeks ago and helped build a playground for the kids here in Oklahoma...or rather I did artwork for part of the day with them, went on a nature walk around the lake, things like that while everyone else did the building stuff cause I'm not a builder...I can't even hammer a nail, but I still had a blast...I think we may have been on the tv, cause news crews were out there, but I sure didn't see anything...I never can sit still long enough to watch tv...Things like that, and this bitch goes and puts a label on me and posts it for the world to see like she's known me since my birth whenever I'm older than she is....I'm just like "wow I can't believe these people are so hateful and jealous of me...I haven't even done anything to them..." Oh, and I also started a group for St. Jude's Children't Hospital...She obviously can't stand anything about me, and is doing and trying everything to run me down, and tell everyone else about it....So I can do the same thing...she's messed with the wrong person...I'm setting up an appointment with the Base Commander this next week, and going there with my husband whenever he gets here in January sometime. I'm filing another formal complaint where it will go on their record permanetely...I've done it bsfore, and that takes an entire day....Then we will be off to Alaska, and she can't touch me or do anything...I'm getting her for spreading lies about me and causing trouble over the internet...I can't understand this attitude, my reason exactly for NOT wanting to ever hang out with military people of any sort....All they ever want to do is fight and argue....I'm done with my "fun" classes...I finished my quilt that took me 2 months to make, and I'm picking it up this next week, and finishing the rest of it here at home...But there is no way I'm going back there for anything now that I know how she and everyone else categorizes me and acts nice to my face....biggest liars I have ever encountered in my life....don't ever trust anyone who runs down your country or your state, cause they run you down as well behind your back....I've been through every bit of this and back again, so I know all too well how that works...

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