Thursday, November 17, 2011

Break-Ins Are No Fun!!!!!!!!!!!

Today we finally went out to our farm after being away for so long. We found out someone had broken into it, and we finally got to see what they were talking about. Whoever it was, busted out the glass in the kitchen window and just opened the door...They took whatever they wanted...dressers, clothes, family heirlooms that are irreplaceable, fine china, a lawn mower we had there, pulled the mattresses completely off the bed, threw everything out of drawers on the floor, it was really sad. But a house out in the middle of no where on 130 acres is an easy target for anyone to take advantage of....what used to be a fun and friendly place to go, was nothing now but a broken down depressing looking place with broken glass laying all around, and parts of the roof caving in...It was my grandparents farm, then it got passed to my parents, they didn't do anything with it since my grandparents died, I don't want it, so we've really no use for it. I have no interest in running a farm or living out in the middle of no where. I wouldn't know anyone, and I'm just not a small town person....I've never suffered a break-in, but I have now, and it's completely heart breaking. I have no idea who would do this, and be able to use things that wasn't even theirs, and can use them everyday without feeling any guilt. I managed to get a few things, pictures, the family bible, small items, but it wasn't what I came for really. I was expecting to end up with more furniture, but it looks like we're going to just have to end up buying it. This is my last night here, and we drive back tomorrow....this was really just a wasted trip and seeing that upset me even more....The tree we all used to sit under and talk in the summers was struck by lightning or suffered ice storm had 4 different splits in it, so it looked dead.....The front porch we always used to sit on when we were kids growing up was covered in building supplies and tools fixing up the parts that had caved in....The outdoor furniture was compltely gone, most likely stolen, and just everything inside was trashed....I was crying for a good 2 hours it was just sad someone doing that to us, and not feeling any remorse how hurtful that behaviour is....I think I'm okay now, cause things can be replaced, but it's just where they came from and who they belonged to. We can't get them back, we have no idea who did that, or even when it happened living 4 states away....So I'll be glad to get back home...Not sure what I'm doing for Thanksgiving...I'm really not in a celebrating kind of mood and the movers come sometime next month...It's not even 7pm and I'm totally exhausted and ready to sleep....It was nothing but moving stuff again today...I've been through that so many times, just talking about it makes me tired...thanks for your support everyone who's been talking to me along the way while I've been with you all soon....

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