Monday, September 20, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth#73-Bermuda-"If your idea of heaven is nude beaches by day and nonstop discos by night, steer clear of Bermuda. However, if trim gardens, pastel cottages, welcoming shops and oodles of pink sand beaches leading to Gulf Stream waters sound good, then this is just the ticket. About 650 miles off North Carolina, Bermuda is actually scores of islands and islets, the largest connected by causeways and bridges. The rest you'll have to reach by boat." Yes, this is gorgeous, but I've been on an island so long, that they all look the same to me..They don't excite me, and really don't have much to offer...beaches, and more beaches and just circle around, and you are right back where you first got off the plane when you got there to begin with...I just can't get excited about places like this yet until I've been off an island for a few years...I guess I feel like the ones who live or have lived in Florida...they either love it, or are sick to death of it there...hard to explain really..I guess it's just a "Love/Hate" relationship....I started watching my first disc of "glee" tonight, and the "Pilot" episode was completely AWESOME... I loved it, and am hooked...I'm not sorry that I bought it...I wasn't sure how I would like it since I had never really seen it, just looked up things on here because of the music and things like I have the whole first season, and can't wait to come home everyday and get everything else taken care of so I can continue watching a program a night....=) I don't have to worry about when they will come on here, or what time, or if I will be missing any in-between....It's totally impossible to try to keep up with anything over here, it may come on in the middle of the night or something...I caught some of the MTV Awards yesterday sometime..I thought those had been over weeks ago...It didn't make very much sense to me whenever I saw it mostly because we are so behind....Now I finally have another show to watch since they got rid of making my "FRIENDS" episodes...I've got every single one of those too...all 10 seasons...I really missed having a tv show to come home to and watch, or just one to look forward to every week to enjoy it...I'm sure anyone else knows the feeling who keeps up with watching anything.....They are awesome though, and I had no idea they were on Oprah before either....I'm not even sure when that comes on here....I just can't help thinking how whenever this month ends, I could just be weeks away from leaving here...The answers are so slow on coming though I want to scream it's so frustrating.....good night everyone hope you have an incredible week...=) 20 Worst Drinks in America 2010-10. Worst Lemonade Auntie Anne’s Wild Cherry Lemonade Mixer (32 fl oz) 470 calories 0 g fat 110 g sugars Sugar Equivalent: 11 bowls of Cookie Crisp cereal There is no such thing as healthy lemonade, but Auntie’s line of Lemonade Mixers takes the concept of hyper-sweetened juice and stretches it to dangerous new levels. See, sugar digests faster than good-for-you nutrients like protein and fiber, which means it’s in your blood almost immediately after you swallow it. Drinking the 3 or 4 days’ worth of added sugar found here jacks your blood sugar and results in strain to your kidneys, the creation of new fat molecules, and the desire to eat more. Ouch.

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