Thursday, September 2, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth#56-Sea Of Galilee, Israel♥"Perhaps it should first be noted that this body of water, famed through its biblical associations, is actually a lake, through which the Jordan River flows from north to south. Beaches rich with avian life circumscribe the sea, itself home to a variety of fish. Not far from its shores, bananas and dates thrive. Thermal springs have led to modern baths; one at Tiberias is among Israel's♥ top tourist resorts." this is another one of my dream countries and I believe one day I will end up back here and never leave this gorgeous place where I should be anyways instead of over here in stupid prejustice hateful Japan the never-come-here-land....nothing is going on, nothing is happening here, and no, I still haven't found out....just more waiting, more lies, more disappointments, and more sleeping pills to make me sleep and forget what my life if like right now cause I hate it so much and absolutely can't stand it....I'm thinking that if I put up a fight more, I wouldn't be here now...good news though, tonight I signed my apartment application for when I go back to the states..It was a feeling of relieve, but still a long ways off.....Wish I could send myself to Israel I would be a whole lot more happier than I have been here in the last 4 years...I haven't been this miserable since I was

waiting to get out of school and on my own...I AM NEVER GOING THROUGH THIS AGAIN EVER"

9 Of The Most Polluted Cities In the World#8-Los Angeles,California According to the American Lung Association, Los Angeles is the city with the most ozone pollution in the United States. Last year, the average ozone level in Los Angeles was the worst of any American city. While LA may be especially notorious, it's a statewide problem. The local Air Resources Board estimates that air pollution causes 9,200 premature deaths per year in California.

Favourite Japanese Stories How To Fool A Cat "Once there was a rich lord who liked to collect carvings of animals. He had many kinds, but he had no carved mouse. So he called two skilled carvers to him and said: "I want each of you to carve a mouse for me. I want them to be so lifelike that my cat will think they're real mice and pouce on them. We'll put them down together adn see which mouse the cat pouces on first. To the carver of the mouse I"ll give this bag of gold." So the two carvers went back to their homes and set to work. After a time they came back. One had carved a wonderful mouse out of wood. It was so well done that it looked exactly like a mouse. The other, however, had done very badly. He had used some material that flaked and looked funny; it didn't look like a mouse at all. "What's this?" asked the lord. "This wooden mouse is a marvelous piece of carving, but this other mouse-if it is indeed supposed to be a mouse-wouldn't fool anyone, let alone a cat." "Let the cat be brought in," said the second carver. "The cat can decide which is the better mouse." The lord thought this was rather silly, but he ordered the cat to be brought in. No sooner had it come into the room than it pounced upon the badly carved mouse and paid no attention at all to the one that was carved so well. There was nothing for the lord to do but give the gold to the unskilled carver, but as he did so he said: "Well, now that you have th gold, tell me how you did it." "It was easy, my lord," said the man. "I didn't carve my mouse from wood. I carved it from dried fish. That's why the cat pounced upon it so swiftly." When the lord heard how the cat and everyone else had been fooled, he could not help laughing and soon everyone in the entire court was holding his sides with laughter. "Well," said the lord finally, "then I'll have to give you two bags of gold. One to the workman who carved so well, and one to you who carved so cleverly. I'll keep the wooden mouse, and we'll let the cat have the other one."

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