Wednesday, July 25, 2012

ALASKA PICS 2012!!!!!!!!!!

this isn't cooperating with me anymore, or it just won't upload any more pics, cause I can't get anymore on here no matter how hard I try...the first ones are just of me (still hate my pics all of them) and my cat that I got for my birthday from the shelter here in Alaska...then me in the snow with cars covered in snow completely and it's all the way up to my is very difficult to walk in snow this deep..I thought it would be easy, but you try and step and then you can barely move it's so intertubing down the huge hill right after we moved here while there was still can tell that it's me cause my hair is touching the ground...I couldn't get it out of the way no matter how hard I tried...the next ones are at a restaurant that we went to here in town out in Anchoarge..very beautiful one, and I can't wait to go back...then more of my cat , and when she climbed up in the oven whenever it was still warm and trying to cool cat from Italy on the stairs in our temporary lodging...and the rest is just our temporary lodging and the snow what it looked like whenever we first got here...I have never been around this much snow in my entire life since I've only known hot places so I just couldn't stop looking at it, or stay out of it...I'm dying for the snow to come back this year!!!!!! I will add more tomorrow!!!

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