Monday, December 12, 2011

New Orleans For New Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So okay, one thing that I do remember learning in my acting and modeling classes was, "if you can make someone laugh, then you've definitely got their attention..." That is exactly what I did last night, so it's a great feeling honestly without having others sit there and roll their eyes at you everytime you say something....(anyone who is military does this cough cough...gag....choke...vomit....) That is pretty easy for me, so I've no trouble at all with breaking the ice with others since I'm always the new one...I'm about to move again so at least I know I've mastered that technique before I have to start all over again and getting to know others who always seem to have some sort of problem with me...My #1 guess is jealousy, that's what I've been told, and it seems to fit the description, but I've gotten to the point where I simply don't care anymore...I have tooooo much fun already with my friends to worry about what some strangers think of me whom I never even talk to....ahhhhhhhhh I might get to go with my friend to New Orleans, Louisiana for New Years...My most favourite holiday of the entire year....I'm thrilled to pieces that I can't even sleep sometimes...I just love traveling, I don't care where it's to as long as it's not boring or scalding hot...can't wait can't wait can't wait..and I'll get to ring in the New Year with one of my best friends in a totally different state right before I have to move....I'm already packed by the way.... ;)

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