Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Love My Radio D.J's!!!!!

Great story today that I heard today listening to my radio station online cause they cut out the commercials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I wanted to hear talking, I would turn it over to talk radio, like that is ever going to happen with me....Not into politics at allllllllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please don't make me hurl.... (eyeroll of extreme boredom at the very mention of politics....) I heard one of the dj's talking about a friend of his went to Afganistan and served on a Mission Trip, and handed out like knitted blankets and hats to the kids there in Afganistan, and other families...He said that he got soo inspired by that, that he tried to learn knitting over the Christmas holiday...It didn't look much like knitting, more like a bunch of knotted mess. They were laughing about it, and it got me to laughing cause I went all over the world to try and learn that, Italy, I tried more than once, don't put me with a SMOKER, and expect me to keep quiet about it when they try and talk to me and all I smell on their breath is very strong nicotine and coughing like crazy....So that was a flop, no more of that for me....Japan, I tried learning from our Life Consultant that came to my work to also work with the kids..I kind of picked it up, but still frustrating to me, and I ended up throwing the entire thing away...Then I moved back home this last year, jumped in one class after another, and learned crocheting in less than 5 minutes and have been doing it ever since... I told all this to the dj over the radio on Facebook, and I'm sure they got a kick out of it because I'm so overly dramatic every time I tell anything...I was just giving some insight that he wasn't the only one who had difficulty with knitting....I tried it more than once, it wasn't happening for me...I did more fighting with the thing than enjoying it...My friend tried it, same thing....So I'm glad I'm not alone on this knitting issue...I shared with him that I crocheted several items and included them in an entire box of toys and sent the whole thing to St. Jude Children's Hospital over this Christmas, so I understood getting inspired wanting to learn how to learn something new....Once you learn it, you can't seem to stop and want to keep blessing people with your talents...I've always gotten along perfect with radio dj's cause we're both into music and can talk about certain songs and the music bands...So I'm glad there are others out there who have the same thoughts as I do reaching out to other countries that everyone else seems to snub for some reason just because of differences between us...I would sooo love to be doing that and going on those types of trips than being stuck living on some military base...Let's just see what happens this next year....fingers crossed!!!!!!!!!!

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