Thursday, December 15, 2011

Part Of My Life In A Nutshell...(groaaaaaaaannnnnn :P )

OK LETS SING. Ooon the 12th day of Christmas my fb gave to meeee...12 Dudes i'm blocking, 11 Friends just watching, 10 Corny topics, 9 Busted barbies, 8 Friends complaining, 7 Stalkers stalking, 6 Party invites, Fiiiivvvveeee drama queeeennnss, 4 Game requests, 3 Photo tags, 2 Friends a pokin and a creep who wont stop inboxing meeeee. Repost if this made u smile, i just did :D)

Let's see!!!!!!! since I usually get perverted creeps that look like this hitting up on me when I go places, I've learned to stay away from...

1. GAS STATIONS!!!!!/public bathrooms

2. casinos

3. restaurants

4. Wal-Mart

5. bookstores even though that is killing me...

6. movie sections anywhere stores or rental places...

7. OSU campus

8. any cyber cafe places

9. grocery stores pathetic but it's true...

10. sitting up at the bar at a restaurant even though I'm not a drinker, but sometimes there's no place else to sit...

not sure what it is with these creeps like this, but they are like 40-50 something and think that I'm barely 20 and start in with me asking me stuff...I can't help wondering if people who go around in disguise like this if they do that for a reason cause they may already have a warrent out for their arrest...I so wouldn't be surprised...weird weird weird...once I move this won't be so much of a problem until after about 6 months...then it's creep city all over again....

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