Saturday, December 17, 2011

Happy Sunday Everyone....

hi all, hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the holiday season to the greatest extent that you possibly can... I've had a very crazy and emotional year and getting to be on here and just vent things out and release it all truly helps...So in order to be straight with everyone who cares to stop by and actually read my blogs word for word, I truly don't mean to offend anyone, about anything, or demand that anyone else out there absolutely HAS to agree with every single last one of my thoughts and opinions...I just do this for fun really, not to argue, not to debate political issues, not to prove who is better than the other, not to argue over which is the greatest country, religion, best music, movies, places of interest to go, traveling destinations, which one is better to own a dog or a cat, for me it's cats...but anyways, I'm honestly not expecting anyone to listen to me, or think that I am right about anything and everythig that I say on's just for fun, for a laugh now and then, and to get away from thinking about reality for a few moments cause I truly get lost on here when I get to talking on these blogs...Yes, I understand we are all different with different tastes, interests, backgrounds, everything you can think of..I never deliberately mean to offend anyone and I never make hurtful comments towards anyone else just to get that out there...I express frustrations, yes, but I don't verbally attack someone on here by name...It's been said more than once that you aren't going to like everyone, and not everyohne is going to like you...There's millions of books out on that topic, I know because I've researched them, and there were so many I just had to choose about 5 off the first page... That's just me though, I'm into reading psychology stuff...others I know it would bore to pieces...So to each his own... :) not meaning ever to offend anyone or try and get anyone to ever listen to me, this really is just an outlet for me to release everything at the end of the day, and help to build a social network cause I move around so much and it's hard to break into a new group every few, I can just pick up again and again no matter where I'm at in the world... :) hope that is a better understanding now..I"ve been through a lottttt these last 2 months dealing with 2 people in both my husband's family and my family who are about to pass away at anytime, the movers coming and going, still packing and getting things ready to mail in a few weeks, still working on Christmas gifts, and I still have to sleep sometime between all that...I did what I could on my package that I'm sending off to St. Jude Hospital and will send that off this week. So I can't wait to do that...I don't expect to be recognized for it, it's just something I want to do and I love sending things through the mail still...I hope it will be of a greater quantity next year, this was just a last minute decision on my part, but me and my bright ideas I won't give it up once I've thought of it...I"ll take pics of everything before I send it and post on here in the new year...hugsss to everyone... :)

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