Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Nope, I Don't Chew Tobacco!!!!!!

Another story popped into my mind that happened with one of my students last year before we were getting ready to move. I don't remember how it came up exactly, but somehow the subject of chewing tobacco sparked their interests. Mostly asking, what it is, what it does, why do people do that, etc...etc...I explained to the few students around me asking me this that it was chewing tobacco, ground up, that you didn't smoke it like you do cigarettes or cigars, and left it at that, cause I know there is more out there to smoke but I wasn't getting into that conversation with a bunch of under aged kids....These were about 6-7 year olds I would say, so fairly young, and at the age where they will believe anything....I told them that people chew tobacco but it's not good for them cause it will rot out your teeth and give you all kinds of diseases that you couldn't get rid of...I didn't go into great detail, but it was enough to help them understand and take it serious....I like pulled my bottom lip down and showed them where people put that nasty stuff at, and said if they did that, they wouldn't have any bottom teeth left, and it would eventually make its way to the top since that stuff is a mouth disease and spreads...I was always going on about teeth and hygiene and everything, and it's still in their heads, (I'm referring back to the bad breath conversation from the other yep still laughing about that one....)I can't remember how long this conversation went on about chewing tobacco, but I can't stand the stuff, so I tried to end it cause it was grossing me out just thinking about it and talking about it.... I must have really had an effect on them, cause they were all wide-eyed that I gave them new insight to something, before one of my students asked me (in front of everyone of course as loud as he could after I got finished explaining all those disgusting details) "Ohhh, then DO YOU CHEW TOBACCO????" It has been almost an entire year, and I am still laughing about that one...That one was told at a huge dinner in front of everyone cause I told a few people, and my husband, and he goes and tells it to the entire table and I was just sitting there and wanted to die and had to get up and totally leave. I did not expect that to happen and I don'tttttttttt want to be the center of attention around a table.....So, not sure what the big deal is keeping up with the rest of society on the chewing tobacco thing, but wow they have some nasty pictures on yahoo images on what that stuff does to you....Tooooo funny though, I have no idea where they come up with all that...It was right after I finished telling everything what that nasty stuff does to you, and one of them asks me if I chew tobacco, it was so funny, I didn't even think about being mad....NOW, IF AN ADULT ASKED ME SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT, I WOULD WHIP BACK SOME SMARTY REMARK LIKE, "YEAH, JUST LIKE YOU MADE OUT WITH THE TOOTH FAIRY LAST NIGHT...." Of course that would throw them, saying "there's no such thing", blah blah blah.... and so they would basically answer their own question with me leaving them feeling stupid once again....

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