Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Got Into It With Another #$%@*&^ Security Guard Today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It never ends!!!!!!!!!!!! I was doing nothing but studying the whole day besides going to my Hebrew meeting for a break from my normal routine...Pizza never goes outta style and I love the company with everyone else and taking a break from my studies I live for those moments....3 solid hours I was doing NOTHING but work for the remainder of the semester until Hanukkah and Christmas, and I nearly got done this time...Just 2 more things to go, and then I'm going to a party my friends invited me to for getting through my semesters all year long and practically killing myself doing it...I told them that Okinawa pushed me past my limits and I was never going through that again and would do whatever I had to to not have to work with such unbelievable drunken LOSERS ever again....Everyone asks me for help..I don't even know these people, but it's like "how do I do this????" "how do I save this?????" "oh I forgot to put my name on this, how do I find it again!??!?!?!" OMG, you have GOT to be kidding me seriously....Why the f are they asking me when I have my own work to do, and could careless about what they are messing up on, and don't ask me to begin with...that's what COMPUTER TECHNICIANS ARE FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the President's Honor Roll comes out every semester, my name is always on it of course, so that is one way they find me to ask me this crap...Highly annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand being around know-nothings...I'm busy every minute of my day every day, so I definitely don't have time for people asking me stuff like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I call it quits after 3 hours cause I'm tired of sitting and sitting and sitting and typing stuff that I really don't wanna be typing, and have stupid guys staring at me and sitting all around me..they don't talk to me, they just make a total nuisance of themselves and get on my nerves...so what else is new...I put up with that every time I go out in public....have been since I was about 12 I think.....I'm going around a corner to dinner, and some over stuffed security dope nearly plows into me carrying a cup of WATER. and just about dumped the entire thing all over me....His responce???- ( a dumb one of course cause that's all security guards are is just plain dumb)- "ohhh uhhh sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My Responce????!?!?!?! "YEAH, YOU LOOK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Of course I yelled that behind me as LOUD as I could with everyone around, then when I turned around again he had scurried outta sight...Probably getting the cup of water to put his false teeth in to soak them for the night since you can't sleep with those things in...Can't stand 'em but I can never seem to keep them away ever no matter where I go in the world...I put up with that for 3 years over in Italy and I was thrilled to beyond anything when I finally got to leave so I wouldn't have to put up with him anymore...He finally figured it out there was no way of getting around me with me and my smart mouth, so this guy finally gave up....I just wish the rest of them would follow his example cause I can't stand any of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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