Sunday, October 30, 2011

Can't WAITTTTTTTTTTT To Have My Own House Again Up In Alaska...

I got to talking about housing and setting everything up again when I was on a phone conversation last night....Then I went as far as looking up what the housing looks like up in Anchorage cause I'm just soooo anxious to have my own life again and just my own EVERYTHING.....It's hard to tell all the details from a black and white housing packet, see how everything looks, what color everything is...etc...color is the biggest one for me since I don't do the black and white thing at all....What I saw on here floored me....This is just one example, but they had other housing pics covered in snow, with mountains behind them and I couldn't believe what I was seeing...It reminded me a lot of Italy, only with a lot more room....I'm still packing small things up, and I'm having to work on my end of semester project at the same time since I will be gone for 2 weeks....The week before Thanksgiving, we are going to our farm for the last time, to collect furniture etc... what we can use up in Alaska, and anything else for just memories sake, and then to sell it off's sad really, but I don't want to live there, and no one else does either, so we have no other choice....It was great memories growing up, but now it's nothing but a vacant lot with an empty, broken down dilapidated house....Then, after I get back from that, I'm spending Thanksgiving week with my inlaws up in Kansas I think it is...I have nooooooooooooo idea what is up there, never had any desire to go there ever, but it doesn't differ much from Oklahoma cause both are very very flat....So I'm having to double up on work, double up on packing, and hardly have any time on here at all again....I will finish this semester the first part of December, so I hope to have more time then with just everything more of what I want to do, and not what I'm made to do...Not so sure if the Thailand thing is going to happen either, since it would be right in the middle of me moving, or getting ready to I mean....But right now, I'm clearing stuff out, fussing with a roll of 200 feet of endless bubble wrapping stuff and tape that doesn't like me at alllllllllllll, and I have no idea where all this came from, but now that I'm dragging stuff out of the woodworks, it's everywhere....I'm ready to get settled again and have everything in order, but that's not going to be until next never ends with the "stuff" So this is the housing up in Alaska...I was completely shocked whenever I looked it up in color....I just can't wait to have my own place again with my own everything set up the way I way I want it...Only 3 more months to go so..please hurry up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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