Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy October!!

Happy October everyone!! And it is a happy one so far starting out...I made it through my very first weekend of my class...only 2 more weekends to go and I'm done, took my first exam and passed that of course cause all that is dead easy to me, and I just found out that MAROON 5 CAME OUT WITH THIS KIND OF TEA THAT I GET SOMETIMES, (SNAPPLE) AND I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIITTTTTTT TO GO AND GET SOME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! I just hope that they actually HAVE IT, or yes, I would be crazy enough to order it as obsessed as I am with music bands....Never heard of a drink, (esp. tea since I'm not a coffee drinker and never will be, don't like it, been through that a million times....)named after a song, but that is perfectly fine with me as much as I love that song of theirs....I miss them sooo much now, and can't believe I was just at their concert LAST MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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