Friday, October 21, 2011

Best Decision Ever Made....

Today I just sent the e-mail confirming that I will help with when building the playground by the riverside here in my city with my University....I know others aren't going to agree with me doing this, but I am not getting into fighting or arguing about any of it...I told them, I'm working with 3rd world countries for the rest of my life, I don't know what you're planning on doing....That worthless wedding with the hateful people I mentioned how they have been going around telling total and complete LIES about me for the past 6 months, when I was working my head off on a gift for them I AM NOT GOING TO....I'm not spending money on junk for them just to have them throw it away cause I know that's what will happen cause they seem to have a problem with me when they still haven't come to me and told me exactly what the problem is, and I'm not going to put be put on another pill over idiots disrupting my life....So, people can take it anyway they want it, but I already got the scrapbook to put the pictures in that has my University Logo right on the front on a huge metal medallion....All I need now is to wait for the day to come, and take a ton of pictures, and have the time of my life decorating up my scrapbook with doing that and showing it to my next job I get teaching....I can't wait to see the reaction...Only about 3 more weeks to go, but I don't want to be around people who think that they are so much better than everyone else....Not for me I act nothing like that...If I want to be around people who act that way, I'll just go and hang around military...there's plenty of them there cause I was around them all the time and always in a bad mood...This year has been the best ever cause I've been TOTALLY AWAY FROM THEM, and back IN NORMAL SOCIETY....I'll post my pics on here when that event finally occurs...I've had it with back-stabbing lying people though I AM SO DONE WITH THEM, I'm going to act like I have no idea what anyone else is even talking about if it is brought up to me...Payback is a bitch, but I do it in a way that is totally unforgettable...I'm sure that we'll be on the front page of the newspapers here.... if that happens, I'll get the link, and post it on here, another way of mine of getting back and making a statement without saying a word....TOTALLY BRILLIANT... talk with u all soon...take care....xoxoxoxo

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