Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today was one of my (former) student's birthdays...they have finally turned 18...I first knew them whenever they were sad to see them grow up sooo fast and change sooo dramatically...I send birthday wishes to all that I can, and I love it love it love it, that we can still keep in contact with each other living as far apart as we are now...only a few more months and I can start that allll over again since I get along a million times better with the kids than I ever will with any snotty ass adult...we go at it as soon as they walk in the room, and they have the nerve to announce to everyone in there that "Suzy and I have a love/hate relationship!!!!!!!!!!" when they don't even freaking know me...wth...(?????) so after that little stunt I made a vow not only to never step foot in Japan again, but also to stay clear of snots like that embarrassing me to death in front of a roomful of people so they can get a laugh...and I'd rather be choked to death than be stuck in an office with them all day long with the door shut rather than being in just an open no more of that ever again!!

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