Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I finally finished my online seminar on here to print off my health certificate....74 power points with audio got so boring after about 5 minutes and I kept looking away wanting to go outside soooo bad!!!!!! There is a hill behind our place here in Alaska, and it had a huge fence all around it..You couldn't go near it, climb over it, nothing...it was just this hill and it was awful seeing it go to waste like that since I won't ever leave anything untouched...I saw handfuls of work crews out there today, and didn't pay very much attention, since it wasn't the first time that they were out back there messing around, and I couldn't tell what they were doing..Then later I noticed that that fence was completely gone...it's mostly kids who go up and down it right now, but I can't wait cause I"m not sure who says it's just kids who can do that...I get along way better with the kids than snot-nosed adults...I'm so glad that they did that only having a month of summer left now here in Alaska...we're going to get snow again already end of next month, early part of October...It's been sooo soo cool here this entire summer, and would rain every day, of every other day, and a few months back, it rained for 3 weeks...Now the nights are already freezing, the air I mean is very cold...I will take pics of the hill that I"m talking about cause it's completely covered in snow in the winter...you can't even see the rest of it...I can't walk in the snow at all here, it comes up to my waist and past my stomach, and I tried to walk in it this past winter, and took one step, and was stuck, and tried to step back, and completely fell backwards...I have never in my life been in snow this deep...I'm still in my classes here, and I'm going to be taking online ones in the new year, since I know how the weather is here then and the snow plows are out all the time, even in the middle of the night...and I really don't want to be dealing with everything getting cancelled...It was very painful moving here, but only about closets to go until I start on my areas of the floor..like my side of the bed..I have just been stepping over everything like I usually do, my side of the computer room, I shove it all in a corner so that I don't have to look at it, and my side of the living room, it's all against the wall and between my shelf and a chair to the far side facing the windows, so no one else sees that really but me..I have everything in these little piles and then come back and deal with it later. I"m guessing at the end of the year I will finally have all that done..I reallllyyyyyyyyy hate unpacking and organizing...only 4 months until Christmas and I'm still not done...

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