Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy 69 day'm referring to the date by the way incase no one else has noticed've been mentioning it the whole day long, and everytime I do, I get hysterical laughter....Anyways... I hope everyone is doing fine, and that kinda brightened up your day...I just had to get it on here cause there will never be another one like it....I'm sure everyone has heard of the plane crash that happened last week, and it lasted the whole week long.....That's all that we were hearing about over here....It pretty much scared me to death, because everytime we want to leave from here, we have to fly out, and go to mainland Japan, and then continue onto the United States from there.....It's a long flight regardless.....So I really don't like hearing stuff like that at all.....I heard bits and pieces of it when I could get in front of a tv here...pretty scary stuff, not to mention sickening....I seem to have chosen one of the most dangerous career fields out there, cause there are always some kind of accidents happening....Nothing anyone can do, but strange how I went into it without thinking twice about it .....I hope everyone was able to get to the website that I put on here before this one...There are some really really nice pictures there, stuff that I had no idea that was even there, cause that place was so enormously huggeee.....I loved it though, and just wanted to share more of it so everyone else could see what it was like...hmm summer starts here soon...the week after this one infact...I guess I"m looking forward to it in some ways, in others, not a chance because of what I have to put up with....I just have to keep reminding myself it will all be over with soon, and one day I'll be doing what I was meant to do, and I won't be stuck in this forever...It just takes longer sometimes...but that seems to be the story of my life, having to wait on everything, so I"m pretty much used to it by now.....hmm oh here's something kinda funny kinda sick that I heard from my radio station....I believe they said that this happened somewhere in China. I don't remember the name of the town, or even how to begin to spell it since it is Chinese name...but anyways...they said it happened in China, that a guy got his hand torn off in a ***TUG OF WAR*** game....something like the rope got wrapped around his hand, and it got yanked tooooo hard and it ripped his hand off....blluaahhh how disgusting is that...and who exactly gets that wrapped up in an unimportant ***TUG OF WAR*** game??!!!! They went on to tell a few more tidbits of this story, and also to go on and tell how it was reattached and still weren't sure if it would be useful!! I know not to get into Tug of War....not that I'm sports oriented ***AT ALL*** but still I would never get that lost in some dumb game that means nothing enough to rip my own hand off.....Anyways!!! hope I didn't gross anyone out tooo bad...I was gagging for a good 5 min whenever I heard that story..I think it was yesterday here for us.....hmm well that's about all I have to say for now, enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone and have a good time while you're off....I know all too well the time never lasts long!!! just look at my pics from last weekend for proof!!! see you all soon...big hugzzz take care....

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