Friday, April 6, 2012
Our Place When We Moved In!!!!!!!!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE our new place!!! I know these are terrible, but I was so psyched whenever we first moved in I couldn't stop...I have never been in a cold climated before...everyplace I've lived has always been over 113 degrees every summer... and 85-90 something even in the spring...I couldn't believe this place whenever I saw it...I thought that they had made a mistake...This is a huggee duplex...we have one huge side, and another crazy family is next to us..our garages are connected side by side, but we don't have to put up with them through the walls...I will take more once this place is more organized and cleaned up...I'm still working on MY ROOM, it's my room alone with all my "stuff" in it cause I just love stuff and all my painting stuff and everything else that I do to occupy myself...books, scrap books, pics, huge boom box...I'm not sure what else...I also made my own corner which my cat has gladly taken over...I will get pics of that whenever I am satisfied with it on how it looks...So, the first pic is of our 1st big living room...the 2nd one is of our 2nd living room next the first one, separated by a wall, and it's also smaller, but still sooo much room....the 3rd one is of our first staircase...there is a part of the floor after the 1st stair case, and then there is a 2nd stair case leading up to the 2nd floor...the next pic is the entry from the garage which we use more than the front's nice getting out of the car, and coming straight into the house, instead of dealing with a crappy apartment where everything is outside...that is also part of the 1st big living room on the side...I don't tolerate street shoes in the house, so that is what that rickety junk looking shelf is for...I leave mine completely out in the garage, cause they are always wet from all the snow I have to walk in....the last pic is part of the big living room going out into the backyard and is the back door...I could hardly go out there since the snow came all the way up to my waist...I tried to walk in it, and I couldn't move anymore after one step and had to back up to get out of it...I will put more on here once everything looks normal unlike our crazy happens everytime no matter where I live....just wait until you all see what they threw in our yard...not as bad as getting the side of our house egged back in Italy, but still annoying....

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A snow that levels up to your waistline, huh. You shouldn't go out with that kind of snow. Well, I also have books – scrap books, actually – in the basement. Mom will get mad at me if she sees them all messed up. Anyway, your pictures don't look that messy. The white paint certainly made it look more spacious. How long did it take for you to move in? It takes a lot of preparation to do so.
Richelle Jelsma
I agree with Richelle, your home doesn't look all that messy. And what a way to spend your first few days there: in waist- level snow! Winter-time has prepared for your arrival, indeed. LOL!
[Avril Copperfield]
LOL! I understand, Richelle. Trust me, I had my own experiences too with my mom! :P Pack ahead of time, guys! Anything you can pack ahead will save you time on moving day, you know.
Lora Holmes
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