1. I know that I put this on here twice, but this is a pink scarf with roses that I made for my sister-in-law for a thank you...it turned out beautiful, and I'm so glad that I didn't mess it up, and that I finished it before I moved here to Alaska...
2. this is a bracelet that I made for my 3 year old niece..it turned out really cute, and something that I would wear if people wouldn't stare at me so weird...I still go by cute no matter what it is...
3. this is a crocheted hair bow that I made with a rose on top...
4. this is also a hair bow in a different colour that I made with a rose...they both turned out gorgeous...
5. this is a crocheted hair clip that I also made..I have so much fun making stuff like this, and now I have my own room to put all this stuff in so I don't have to be fussed at that it's all over the house... :)
6. this is a grey scarf that I made as well...see what I can do because I decide not to hang out with total losers... ;)
7.this is a crocheted pet collar that I made..I tried to put it on my cat but she kept forcing it off...it looked like a big over-sized clown collar...too funny...
8. this is a crocheted black scarf that I also made...
9. this is my cat with a t shirt that I put on her...I got into dressing up my cat last year cause I think it's funny, even though she hates it...lol
10. this is the package that I sent to St. Jude Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee for Christmas...I had so much fun putting it together...St. Jude is a Cancer Research Hospital for kids sick with terminal cancer..too sad and I wanted them to have a Merry Christmas having to be in the hospital like they are...
11.these are the wrapped presents that I sent to St. Jude...
12.these are the toys that I sent to St. Jude...
13. these are more toys that I sent to St. Jude...I had so many that I couldn't even fit them all on the table... :)
14. this is a Christmas party that I went to with my friend in Elk City, Oklahoma, 2 hours away from Oklahoma City..I had a great time going there cause it was such a long ride and I did what I'm famous for of course....talk and do my work... :D
15.this is my friend and her son...we were all decorating cup cakes with the kids cause we didn't want to be in the meeting...so typical of me...can't stand boredom or boring meetings or I will scream having to be there....
16. this is Elk City, Oklahoma decorated up at Christmas..it's a really small town, and this is the downtown square...
17. another pic of Elk City, Oklahoma decorated up for Christmas...
18. Elk City, Oklahoma at Christmas...
19.crocheted green scarf that I made...
20. pic of our farm that got robbed...it was so sad having to see that... :(
21. blue bird that I found inside the house at our farm in hat...
22. blue bird on bed on pink blanket...it was a miracle that I got that thing to hold still for 3 min. it kept flying around like crazy and bumping into the windows and falling down...
23. me holding blue bird it was so great to do that...the blue bird of happiness really does exist... :)
24. me holding blue bird...yes that's my hand, I know I'm paler that a bed sheet...
25. me holding blue bird..I think I got good pics of this moment and I"m sure that it won't ever happen again cause we don't have blue birds in Oklahoma..if we do, they are about 2-3 hours away where the mountains are, and I know they definately don't have them here in Alaska...it's all moose, foxes, bears, other birds, whales and I"m not sure what else...
26. restaurant that we ate at close to Nashville...I LOVE Nashville and wanted to stop there soooooo bad to see the Country Music Hall of Fame Museum...yes I"m a nut over museums!!!! :D
27. this is our farm again..it really has beautiful land there...
28. another part of our farm...
29. more of our gorgeous farm...it's beautiful, but I couldn't stand to live there...it's out in the middle of nowhere, and there really isn't any big places around...not for me coming from the big city and I go all over the world to more big cities...
30. more of our farm...it was a 150 acres I believe, and went on forever...even across the street and all those woods...that is where I went into the woods and released the blue bird...
31. neighbor's tractor who came over to talk with us while we were there...since I'm from the city, I never really see stuff like that...I wouldn't want to do it, or live in a place that does...I'd go absolutely crazy...
32. another part of our beautiful farm...
33.my cat that got sick back home in Oklahoma while I was there last year from liver failure..I lost 2 cats last year...my cat from Italy, I still have the other one, and one of my black ones there at my parents house...it was so hard to have to see that...
34. last night that my cat was alive...he couldn't even stand up..
35. Maroon 5 concert that I went to with my friend... :D total blast greatest music ever!! the music group TRAIN did the opening act...not a surprise that I knew about every song...not a surprise for me since I know every one that they play on the radio...
36. Maroon 5 concert!!!!!!!!!
37. Maroon 5 concert again...I took like 50 pics and videos I still have to upload and put on here... :D
38. the rest of these pics with the stage I'm sure you all can tell that it's still the Maroon 5 concert...I had the best time EVER....and it felt incredible to go to a concert that was actually in ENGLISH and not some garbage in Japanese that these wanna be so called singers who think they are the earth moon and stars stand there singing stuff all in Japanese...worst experience ever..that would depress anyone out of their minds...this cured me completely going to this awesome concert!!!! life was good again after I got my music fix for real...it was an outdoor concert and sooooooo much fun...I loved it and would go again in a heartbeat....
39. this is the pink scarf with roses again that I made...I loved how it turned out..I really think that these would sell very well being here in Alaska...
enjoy everyone...this took along time but I loved doing it...I still got 3 more folders to do of pics to put on here...also videos... :) good night all... ;)
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