Saturday, April 21, 2012

More Pics...

This is still me having fun with everyone else when we had the fun day of well them doing hard work building the playground, and me having fun with the kids indoors playing games, watching movies, doing artwork, and then whenever it warmed up outside, we went and drew all over the sidewalks....I did the OSU-OKC thing with the flower and also the other flower...the other scribbly ones and shaky handwriting are from the kids that were was soo much fun, and hope that I get to do something like that again here in's a lot better than digging dirt and doing heavy labour that only construction workers should be doing...not for me with the kind of signs that I have on my door...those are still to come by the way...oh and that first one is from one of the kids, not sure which one, but I'm guessing one that had just learned to write, and the last part was "I am a pervert", "My name is White" (I'm guessing this to be the last name), and "I have a blue shirt.." I couldn't stop laughing and cut half of the pic off...I doubt that this kid even knows what a pervert I miss laughing at stuff like that...another year and I'm counting it down by the day...

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