Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where Would We Be Without Wal-Mart & Wal-Mart People!?!?!?! bad...that one pic several down from the top with my Hello Kitty suitcase and the other suitcase for my cat, doesn't have anything to do with the Wal-mart ones on here.. I have nooo idea how I did that, and I know that I will mess everything up if I try to go back and delete it...That was when we were just about to leave Okinawa, Japan and were living out of temporary lodging....Stupid place I couldn't stand it, but that is how I"m gonna have to keep living until we get an actual house from all this ridiculous moving around for so many years...Another far off dream of mine.... Sooo glad to be outta that place...don't miss it at alll!!!!!!!!!!!!Well, at least everyone gets to see my super cute phone I ordered while I was over there...Love it!!! ☺

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