Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Today I Found Out Where I Could Possibly Be Moving Next!!!!!!

I got invited to come to of my many dream countries by one of the Israeli tour groups that I am in touch with. I said I'm not ready to come right now, since I"m not able to moving so much right now, and I have no idea where I'm going next still...but I would definately keep in touch with that...Italy was my #1 dream country and I ended living there for 3 years....I couldn't just go to Israel and stay a week and leave. I would like to stay up to a year and get better at my Hebrew, and be able to celebrate allllllllllllllll the holidays first hand cause over here, they really don't do very much for them. I never know what will turn up next.....I wish I knew when all this would happen, but of course I don't because I move so much right now...So, where am I moving to next after being here in the United States this entire year??? me...there's a few possible places that came up, but nothing is set in stone yet....still a few more months of waiting...possible summer or by the very very very end of the year to be more realistic about how things really are....I know those people tooooooooooo well by now... :pwow am I ever tired....I worked out TWICE today...this morning, and then whenever I got home tonight after doing all that insane shopping cause I can't stand going when crowds are out in the day or on weekends....I will catch everyone tomorrow after I get home from my Art class...night all..

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