Sunday, November 28, 2010

I found a 24 hour cyber cafe's after 3am here and I can't even get on yahoo and talk to anyone because they have it blocked would you believe it.....I guess they don't want people just sitting here and sitting here chatting non-stop like there's not much that I can do here, not even save pics because everything is blocked...pretty boring...the internet switch thing in my room is messed up until they come and fix it whenever that I'm stuck just doing what I"ve been doing for this whole's been a complete headache and nuisanse....not much has changed at all's still dragging for me and still a lot of waiting.....I heard music and saw a bit of dancing from the street festival they had here outside the gate where I live....Festivals like that go on for a whole weekend....Of course I don't know what they are saying since it's all in Japanese, but it's still fun to experience that since we never have things like that back home.....

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