Sunday, May 31, 2009

hey there everyone...I hope you all had a great week and it finished out okay for you....I'm sorry for the long gap inbetween my last one and this one...everything just kind of got away from me, and I had my time at the resort come and go tooo fast....I just got back earlier today, and I have a ton of pics to share....I can't wait to get them all on here finally to sort them out and tell what they are....It was a great great time...I didn't miss being here at all, but just the thought of still being on this revolting island still depressed me even though I was away.....about 20 min away not 2 hours like I thought....Anyways, last week sometime I woke up and had completely **HAD IT** with this place....I just had something snap inside me that hadn't snapped in a long time, several years I think......No matter who I tell or who I talk to about how I can't stand it here, I always get the same responce cause they are bored with hearing it from me...."yah we've all heard it a million times before....." How much I can't stand it here, and can't wait to leave next year..... how I was meant to be traveling since that is what I went into for my life long career, not being cemented in one dumpy place on this island for the rest of I'm not supposed to be here with a bunch of other boring people who don't know any other places in the world exsist besides this one boring scalding hot island....etc...etc....I was sick of getting snapped at and being told they have heard it all before, it was nothing new, and not sure what'm not sure what got into me but when I got time to myself, I went to travel agency, and started planning for trip to Australia next year in 2010 before I leave there. there is something no one else has heard before....I'm only telling my friends right now, cause I haven't said a single word to my family or anyone else back home about it...I think I will tell them like a month before I"m supposed to fly out and let them be freaking out about it the whole time I'm gone from here....sorry I just couldn't take it here anymore, and didn't wanna wait until I leave before the holidays next year to fly out to who knows where next from here...yes it's driving me crazy toooo just like it is everyone else where I"m going next from here...I"m tooooo excited....I'll be in Sydney mostly....I just go from one big city to another...I don't have any idea what on earth I"m supposed to do in some small town. so now I"m tooo excited, and have something else to look forward to besides counting down each and everyday here, and looking forward to leave....I'll be going somewhere**on my own** (well with group actually, cause I"m terrible at trying to find my way around another country) but without anyone else with me every minute from here....So it pays off not doing the 500 things things that they have going on around here each month....yes I"m being honest, they announced it was over 500 events going on around here each and every month, and of course I care nothing for not even one of them...this isn't the only place on the planet earth...I don't understand why anyone else who comes here can't see that as well.....okay whatever then... I'm too much into doing what I want still I don't care where I'm at...and besides I seriously need a break from this place...I'm not an island person at all...there is no where to go here unless u fly out somewhere else, so that is what I'm going to do...anyone who wants to meet me there, feel free too...I will show u what it's like to have a blast when u are with me away from everything and everyone u know or who recognizes I can't stop feeling all jumpy inside now cause I have Australia to look forward to's soooooooooooooo hard not talking about it constantly here, but I don't want anyone else to know that until I come back from it completely...I can't stand the jealous attitude towards me....I can do that sort of thing...just pack my bags and leave...I decided that lifestyle when I was like 12 I didn't just come up with that idea....others however have obligations which don't allow them to do that sort of thing, so of course I"m hated for it because I can do guess I';ll be going on about Australia for the next 10 months or so until I leave for it....I can't talk about it here with anyone cause the entire base here would find out, and I don't want them to know my business....If I wanted that to happen, I would have become famous and had my life story printed in magazines...I don't want that, so I'm not saying a word..nothing until I get back, and it's driving me insane cause I can never stop talking....guess I will just let it out on here so hope everyone is interested in my long-winded yapping sessions.....Anyways, I had a fabulous time at the resort I went just went toooo fast in my opinion as another work week againnnn...ugghhh and I get home late this whole week, so my evenings will be cut short again as they were a few months ago.....nothing I can do...I just keep doing it and go on...I love going on trips toooo much to give it up not I'm glad everyone can bear with me....I took a ton of pics, so many that I don't even think I can get them all on here tonight...I may have to put them on here little by little cause there are so many, and I have to explain what they are was really really nice there wow I didn't realize how much I missed seeing so much greenery and actual trees because we don't have them here at all....we look out and just see parking lots and other peoples cars, and the roads and the bridge leading over the street.....pretty boring and not very interesting if you ask me....that's why I' m so anxious to get outta here to hopefully get to someplace where they didn't pour cement over anything that was nature related.....I will have to finish this later tomorrow when I get the pics on from here cause I will have to explain them since no one will have any idea what any of them are.....I've been on here several hours so I'm gonna take off now and I'll catch up with you all again tomorrow....I hope everyone had an awesome weekend, and is ready for another week to begin....honestly I'm not, but nothing that I can do about that.....bye for now everyone I'm off to read my book until about midnight our time here in Japan...take care and I'll talk with u soon!!!~~~~xoxo~~~~

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