Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hi to everyone....I haven't forgotten about doing this, I just have not had time really, or always have to leave....I promise to get caught up on it all this weekend!!! Wow, I am sooo excited that this week is almost over with..... Once our SpringFest is over with here, I am done and can enjoy my weekend then.....We have our Spring carnival here this weekend...I've never been to not even one of them I think, and this is the 3rd year of being here...never really had much of interest, they are all pretty much the same...set up a bunch of stuff in a couple parking lots, or across the lawn of someplace and expect others to be entertained...they obviously get the slightest thrill out of pretty much nothing cause it's so boring I think.....I will get pics and put them on here....but it's the only thing happening here really, and I really really have to force myself to even go to anything like that, because the stuff we had back home people had to take trolleys to cause it was to overly crowded to even get there....I am missing our Arts Festival downtown now this time of year, by the Crystal Bridge, and some other exhibits they put up by now, that I'm not sure about, cause I've been gone for 6 years now from the United States....only back for very short visits, then right back to where I'm living overseas....that is fine, but wears thin sometimes cause so much is just so frustrating, and it's hard to talk with anyone about it, unless they are in it, or are overseas too, or just know what it's like to be completely on your own in another country...I would do anything sometimes to get someone to trade lives with me, until it finally hits me who else on earth would want to be in my place etc etc.....stuck on an island, where everyone who lives here is so self-righteous and unbelievably RUDE, no matter what anyone else thinks or tells you....So it's just a never-ending frustration I think......I have to miss another concert there back home at our Ford Ampitheatre which holds like 10,000 could have probably held more if they were allowed to make it any bigger than that....We never have anything like that here ever ever ever....>=( They have small Japanese concert things on the sidewalks here, every single night of the week, month year, whatever it is...they are having something out there...the only ones who actually even care about this sort of thing are ta dah of course Japanese.... so what else is new.... they are all crowded around or sitting around or standing listening to some mediocre Japanese trying to be a so called source of entertainment...of course it's all in Japanese, so it's totally boring to anyone else who doesn't know this, because you have no idea what on earth they are saying....that is all they have here is that kind of junk....I have to miss the concert of the year cause I'm stuck over here.....Anything that is here, so many people push their way to it, they just take the fun out of it cause I am not one for just standing and standing in line forever and get more irritated by the minute.....I am reaalllllllyyyyyy hoping the next place after this is a million thousand times better than this one, because I was pretty uch done with this place the end of the first year that I was here....I was completely done with the people hands down, didn't even have to think twice about it....I tried to get on with others, and I found myself sitting across from the Base Commander filing a report for aggravated harrassment....same story for when I was in I seriously don't care anymore while I'm here what happens cause when I leave I'm done with over here and can't wait for that day to come......Wow, If I even had the slightest clue ever this was the way they treat new people joining into this whatever lifestyle that you want to call it, I would have never gotten involved ever....they are pretty rotten I think....I would never go around treating someone the way some of them have reacted towards me ever....So I am officially done with trying to get along with people like that cause it's just too exhausting and I'm not one for on-going fights like some are since they seem to get a thrill out of them or something.....Okay, I'm going to take off now cause it's already late here, and I will go on talking and talking all night long if I don't stop myself someplace....I hope all of you are doing fine, and looking forward to the Easter weekend coming up...can't wait to have a chat when everyone gets that chance!!! take care!!!!!xoxoxoxo Soul-Jesse McCartney

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