Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Good day everyone, sorry my time is so strapped this week, and I hardly have time to be on here to do anything at all.... I am on full days right now until morning until night because it is spring vacation this week, so I'm much busier than I am than when I have my extremely long breaks and am able to do whatever I want then....Anyways, I will finish my other entry before this one tonight or some other time, I did not mean to leave it like that!!! I hardly have time to be on here sometimes then have to take off again...if I didn't have to do that, then I would be on here all the time then...anyone else knows that who talks with me...=) I'm sure everyone has heard about the earthquake that happened over in Italy by now...that is pretty scary to me, considering it was only a few hours from where I used to live there.....we were way way way up at the top eastern part, just an hour away from Austria, so I really didn't go down much, unless for a trip and it was always with a group or someone else, cause I had no idea where anything was there, just moving there from the states....It just really hit close to home since the fact that we used to live there, and this happened just few years after we left there and are now here....Not too sure to call it a lucky streak, or something else, cause I really don't like to see things like that happening in any part of the world, and buildings and other things that have been around for hundreds of years get destroyed in just a matter of minutes....I felt a very slight earthquake here in Japan last week, but they tend to happen here every week it seems....it was just some rumbling and things on here started shaking......I"ve only got to see some of it, or just read over what is on here, cause everything is pretty rushed for me this week, and I hardly have any time to do anything really....That bothered me so much when I first heard about it last night, I called home to my family all the way in the states just to talk about it with someone who knew where I was coming from since I have a pretty strong connection there, and they understand this, since they came over there for awhile as well...It was pretty much the same thing being said and reported all over the world, but I was up until well after midnight just talking and talking...I talk so much sometimes that I can make myself hoarse...guess I just have to be in one of those moods, and once I get going, I can't seem to stop.....that's not hard for me to do on here at allllll..... =) It was enough to keep me awake at night, and that I do not need since my sleep is so limited anyways....My work is keeping me so busy this week, because it is Spring Break, and I dread this time, cause it is so so demanding, and I hardly have time at all to do anything for myself that I wanna do.....I enjoyed them when I was younger, going on Ski trips to the ski resorts and other places, I don't even remember....always some different big huge city in the states, for an entire week.....loved it....but that stuff can't last forever.....still it was fun, but wow, now I'm seeing how it feels, and I hardly have time at all to do anything....just work the whole day, go home to sleep, then same thing the next day....I can't wait until I can do this kind of stuff again....just few more months and I can...it just won't be in the snow or anything like that, but still I will be able to take everyone with me, and keep everyone updated on what is going on, and how it is going....I'm just dreading having to put up with the food on mainland Japan since I can't stand anything hardly in the first place ever.....That is alll I'm going to be talking about until I get to go finally cause I"m sooo soooo excited to get to go somewhere other than here on this dumb island where all everyone ever does is totally stare at me....yeah, that gets old reaaaaaaaaaaallllyyyyyyy fast..... dont' know what their problem is, say something, anything, but don't just stand there like someone just tasered you from behind and you're trying to get over the after shocks......not to be tied in with the earthquake that happened over in Italy....but that's what I feel like saying, but dare not to....hmm okay guess I have talked enough for today, hope u all are doing well, and having a good week so far.....I'm excited about the Easter weekend......=) talk with u all soon!!!!

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