Monday, April 13, 2009

So okay, what on earth has all this talk and hype been about pirates lately?!!?? Hi there all, this grabbed my attention whenever I heard it over the weekend....I was pretty shocked people still go around thinking they can do this sort of thing if they want to get out of working any kind of a job out here, and paying taxes just form a group together to become pirates??!!!! I thought that was something only kids played, not full-grown adults....guess these people watched the movie Peter Pan one too many times or something and took it seriously...okay whatever then.....I hope everyone had an awesome Easter/Passover weekend (if you happen to celebrate this by the way, cause I know not everyone does....) It was actually nice here for once and pretty laid back...I don't know what to do much for holidays being over here away from family and everything other than to go out to dinner and things like that with others.....That is how every holiday has been for the past several years now having to live overseas, so I"ve just gotten used to it......I still miss the big get togethers and going around to things happening around where I lived at, cause they don't recognize Easter or anything like that over here in Japan....they are either Buddist, or no religion at all...they mostly seem to concentrate on family, and put their strengths and interests there and not on anything else....pretty sad I think, but nothing anyone can do to change that...hmm so okay....anyone who has been talking to me longer than 5 min will know I'm completely obsessed with certain colors....mostly purple, but not everything is always made purple so I just go get the next as long as it's not black or plain white, I am fine.....In Italy, we were just a few months from moving, and I was looking around in the furniture store there, just at furniture I would love to have someday, but knew I couldn't then with moving and them banging stuff around, the weight limit on items they put on everyone etc...etc.....until I found what else....but this purple couch thing.....yes solid black, brown, green, orange or anything like that mixed in.....I refused to pass something like that up, cause I have done this before, and it would literally keep me awake at night, laying there and laying there worrying myself sick if I should get it or not until I finally did, and then I was fine I did just that so I wouldn't be putting myself through such torment again, since getting sleep is so precious to me these days....I was not going to go through the trouble of having that thing dragged up the stairs there in Italy, cause as soon as we opened our front door, you were facing stairs going straight up into the main part of the house.....I found this place and was just so desperate to get out of temporary lodging, I didn't know that coming home and facing stairs each and every time would start to become a great annoyance...even if it wasn't me dragging whatever it was up, cause it would just have to be dragged down again.....I had that left at the side of the garage still all packed up, so whenever the movers came, they wouldn't have to mess with it, and all that other stuff.....I got it here just fine when everything got to Japan, and was thrilled to peices since I had never had purple furniture before.....they make every other color but purple when it comes to furniture, and I couldn't believe I had found my color.......well, I can't remember what I was doing exactly, but I was at the stores we have here, and this time saw a purple chair that stopped me in my tracks....just like what happened when I saw the pink laptop last year, and I would not stop until I got the thing, and I finally did after a solid year or fussing and fighting with these people on here.....Not everything is ours here that we are using....some is still government furniture, cause we either have not gotten our own yet, or had to give it up cause we ran out of space on the moving truck when they were packing us up....most of it being the kitchen table and chairs are government furniture.....I don't like them much of course, since they are just passed around from family to family, and squeek and poke you, and I just don't care for government furniture much.....I found this purple chair and decided that I could use that as my dining room chair other than the ones they are letting us use while being here.....I got that, and it's a little different shade of purple than the couch I got, but it's still purple.....then I got to thinking, if I keep this up, finding purple furniture at all different parts of the world, by the time we are done with this lifestyle, I could have a whole housefull of purple furniture, and wouldn't have had to stepped foot in the United States once to get any of it, since they never have anything in the right colors ever......I don't expect to get those things, I just see them and if they happen to be the right color I find myself filling out the delivery form thing for it.....kind of funny I think, and my family gets a kick out of how I am with the color thing, but I have fun with it regardless....Okay, guess I will go now, since I can never seem to stop talking except when I am sleeping, and when I get on here it's almost impossible to stop......I hope everyone is doing great and has a superb week.....take care, and I can't wait to talk to you all!!! know that u are thought of!!!!!xoxoxox

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