Thursday, May 17, 2012

Just Another Reason Not To Eat Fast Food!!!!!!!!!! Check This Out If You Don't Barf First....

Finger In Arby's Sandwich: Michigan Teen Ryan Hart Spat Out 'Rubbery' Digit (Mealbreakers)        

Mealbreaker (n.): a nasty, non-edible surprise found in food while it is being eaten; often lawsuit-provoking, sometimes fabricated, always disgusting.
A Michigan teenager found an unexpected item on his Arby's sandwich: a human finger.
Ryan Hart, 14, was eating a roast beef sandwich when he bit into a piece he described as particularly rubbery. He spit out the item, which turned out to be a part of a finger measuring about one-inch long and a quarter-inch thick, the Jackson Citizen Patriot reports.
The incident occurred at the Arby's restaurant on N. West Avenue in Jackson, Mich., on May 11, just after Hart and his mother had gone to the establishment for a quick bite after school.
Health officials said a worker likely left her area after cutting her finger on a meat slicer, according to the Jackson Citizen Patriot. Other employees, allegedly unaware of their co-worker's injury, continued with their regular duties. Once informed of the incident, the restaurant team stopped food production and cleaned and sanitized the restaurant.
Hart is doing fine, after getting his blood drawn and getting prescribed medicine at the hospital.
Visit Michigan Live to read what Hart and his mother had to say about the incident.

News of the fast food surprise comes just days after a Reddit user posted an image of what seems to be a deep-fried cockroach in his McDonald's hash brown.
The customer said he brought the item to the store manager, who then offered him a voucher for a free breakfast.
Hart's discovery calls to mind an incident said to have occurred at a Wendy's in San Jose, Calif., in 2005.
Anna Ayala claimed to have bitten into a severed finger she found in her bowl of chili. After she and her husband confessed the scheme was a hoax, the woman was sentenced to nine years in jail.
However, Ayala was released after serving four years and was subsequently banned from ever entering the establishment again.******* I could hardly stand to read this story cause this Arby's restaurants are all over the US. We even have one here in Anchorage...They have everything but mostly are big on the highly processed and just thrown together roast beef sandwiches...also french fries, hot season or plain, chicken this and that, fake salads, I'm not sure what else, but I'm guessing everyone gets the idea...I heard of this happening before on someone working at a hotdog place, and their wedding ring got caught and the machine thing sliced the tip of their finger off like right before the nail part where that first line thing is...The machinery kept going, and the part of the finger got ground up in some hotdog...what hotdogs are made of...just ground up animal parts, and streched out animal intestines to hold it all in..These stories scare me to death...I'm glad that I hardly like anything so I wouldn't have to go through something like that poor guy did...I bet that he is scarred for life now and never wants to see another fast food restaurant again...esp. an Arby' I'll cringe everytime we drive by one...just be warned!! I know they don't have these overseas, but they do have others like McDonald's..I won't even go there on looking up your food everyone of just take vitamins and water like I do most of the time... 

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