Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm A Know-It-All But LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

What I meant to only be a 2 hour walk yesterday here in Alaska, turned out to be a 5 hour one cause I kept getting lost...I wanted to see more what it looked like here, and wouldn't sit still anymore and just took off on a walk not really thinking where on earth I was going..I thought I knew my way around but I guess not well enough yet...tried to go to the huge hospital here to look more at the display case of the Native American artwork and take pics, pics of the animals and scenes of Alaska all over the walls, that didn't happen...went the complete opposite was nice seeing the mountains though which still have snow all over the tops, and I found a creek that's not too far from that's actually NOT green, and I could see straight to the bottom...tried to find my art building on my own, that didn't happen either...somehow ended up at the Library and Education Center here, still trying to find my art building to go and work in the art studio the entire day...that still didn't happen, and I was sooo mad and exhausted I finally just got someone to somehow come and find me and just take me there since I had walked halfway across Alaska and was so sore and sooo tired I wanted to scream...also not to mention the painful sunburn I got from getting so lost again..I've gotten lost in every place that I've lived or visited...very same thing happened in Italy and Australia, and it was so nerve-wracking that I thought I was going to throw up I had no idea where anything I think that I've got it figured out now, since spending 5 hours being lost you really get to see a ton of stuff...I'm not leaving without a stupid map though cause I'm never going through that again...

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