Tuesday, May 22, 2012

hmm...So it looks like that I won't be involved here with any groups up here in Alaska either...This is the 3rd time that I have gone through this, and am at the point where I simply DO NOT CARE anymore...I got in a huge disagreement today with someone over that...I kept seeing it on Facebook, and got fliers in the mail about all this junk that they were doing, but I would only find out about it AFTER it was over...I had had enough, and spoke my mind today to one of them, saying I didn't appreciate the attitude and hostile behaviour towards me, that I have already been here 2 months, and not a thing has happened, that I only found out about stuff after it was over...I'm sure that everyone has heard of Starbucks, just like everyone has heard of Facebook...they kept bragging on Facebook how they had all just gotten back from Starbucks from coffee, and everything then going out more to do things in the city of Anchorage..I don't drink coffee, but hot chocolate is fine for me...I wouldn't mind going just to get out and talk, and to see more of Anchorage than what I get to see on the weekends that go toooo fast...I only found out about all this after it was completely over...I was so mad that I went on an entire paragraph about this, and then I get back a B.S. answer that they were still trying to get started...hmm well if they are all going out together and leaving me out of it, it sure doesn't sound like they haven' had any trouble getting started to me...I smarted off again then got offline, so I seriously doubt that they will have anything to do with me now...not that I care but wow people like that make it where I can't even see straight I'm so mad...I'm telling their little backstabbing B.S. to as many people as I can on all social networks that I can find.. I may even join a few new ones just to let more of this out as furious as I am...It's not that I care about what they do, it's just the fact that I am NEW here.I don't know anything or anyone here or what goes on here other than people going to work here everyday...It would be nice for someone to call me and introduce me to a few things going on and a few other people, but I honestly don't see that happening...they are all so full of it....people posted that they enjoyed helping out people who are new here so that can help with hospitality to newcomers...also to help those who need guidance and someone to relate to and talk to so that those of us who are new will feel welcomed...also so that the ones who are new (like me of course..I'm always the new one....) to help them out and so that we won't have such a disastrous time...and also to be able to offer support for the new ones since we are all far from home and away from family...I went on about all this, and they were the ones who shot back defending their pathetic selves, and I gave them an answer that they won't soon forget...so I'm considered the one with the attitude now when I'm not the one who even did anything...I made it clear that I was new, and the way people were treating me here hasn't been fair...so it looks like I will just be concentrating on my studies whenever I get back into my University next year, and then my work since I have built up being more skilled and won't have to work with high school brats who still live at home with their parents and think that they can smart off to me just because they back talk their parents...yeah couldn't stand them either..I would like to get out of this rotten military lifestyle altogether and go live overseas and forget all about these horrible people doing work for the devil himself...I expect to be on here a lot more than I have been so can't wait to chat more since I've missed it too much...take care everyone and stay away from idiots and total liars....still furious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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