Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Won Numerous Prizes Again Today At Our State Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today was Armed Forces day at our State Fair, so I went again, and got in totally free. I had a much better time than yesterday and it was sooo muchhh fun...I went all over again, and got to see things that somehow I had missed just being there a day before...I never get tired of our fair..I've been going since I was a kid, and every time is like the first time again for me that's how much I love it...I wasn't going to give up playing the games just so I could be seen carrying around a huge stuffed animal and be envied by everyone else...I'm used to that anyways, so it doesn't even bother me anymore....I found the most awesome shop ever in one of our buildings there with GLITTER WOODEN WALL HANGINGS of sayings...I grabbed my "SPOILED" sign in purple, my "WHATEVER" sign in another shade of purple since that is my word and my answer to everything, and my "IT'S ALL ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!" sign and got 2 small pink hearts and 2 small turquoise butterflies to put on each side of 2 of them....I can't wait to hang them up when I get a chance....hmm I played the same game where you pop the balloons with the darts, but it was at a different game booth this time. I'm still not any good I don't think, but somehow ended up with what I wanted....I saw a huge Hello Kitty hanging up there, and went right up and told the guy like I always did at the street markets in Italy, " I WANT THAT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!" like it was a shop or something not a game....I did it again, and got what I wanted, and was carrying it around the rest of the day. I also got another stuffed fuzzy pink pig this time, and a small white cat dressed up...So I'm done with the fair for this year!!! I have no idea when I will get to come back, but I hope they have a State Fair up in Alaska like in the summers there. Ours is in in the falltime, so it's not so bad, but I still ended up with a massive sunburn....I watched the pig races, and got to hold a baby pig and had my picture taken with him...I loved every minute of today. It was definately worth going again and I have the memories as well as the pictures now...Only 4 more months to go after this month is over with finally next week....

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