Friday, September 23, 2011

I LOVE You Forever Maroon 5!!!!!!!!!!!

With me being so music-obsessed as I am, I'm more than thrilled to pieces that I got to go to the concert of a lifetime after being in crap hole Japan for the last 4 years...Every street performance there was nothing but all in Japanese, and I would yell out in the crowd while walking by "play something country!!!!!!!!" or "sing something in ENGLISH douchbages" one would know who yelled it cause it was a crowd of all Japanese losers standing around listening to that stuff...I got a few laughs from Americans standing around wasting time listening to that garbage wasting their time with it, but they never said anything back to me....I had sooooooooooooooooo much fun at the Maroon 5 and Train concert last night. I met some of the most wonderful people, and everyone was so incredible to each other. We didn't have any fighting like most of these concerts you hear about fights or something breaking out and it involved the police. It was sooo great and I had soooo much fun with my friend Skye. It was like we had never been apart with me living overseas for the last 7 years. I have finally got my voice back from being so sick all month, and also still forcing myself to talk so much...And also I go nonstop since I've been here so that's part of it. I hope to see Maroon 5 again since it took them 3 years just to get to my city. They were up in Canada, so if they tour again, and go up that way, I can go from Alaska to Canada to their concert again. Yes I am that obsessed over music groups to go to another country just to see their concert. Can't wait until the next one I go to not sure which one that will be though. The greatest part of it was that it was outdoors so it made it even more enjoyable....Once I pull off my picture from facebook we had taken, I will post it on here. can't wait to see it either, cause I haven't even looked at it.... good night everyone....xxxooxoxo

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