Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I So Wish This Guy Could Narrarate My Entire Life...

This guy is my new hero, and I would love it to pieces if he would narrate my entire life, minute by minute, my personality how I talk, what I do, what I don't do, what I like and definitely DON'T like...esp. whenever it comes to nasty nasty food cause I really can't stand anything....He did get one part of that right though...I did throw up Burger King on our last day on Okinawa....Annddd I haven't touched it since....I still am not able to understand his name or nickname he keeps saying on some of the videos before he starts ranting and raving... The one that I watched earlier today had me choking I was laughing sooo hard on what he was saying....Nobody acts like this, but when they do, they definitely have got my attention, cause everyone I'm forced to be around is always always mad, and never says anything.....NOT ME AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! Our State Fair starts tomorrow and everything is set up now for it...The Ferris wheel, other rides, skyline train, celebration tents,'s spectacular, and I can't waitttttttt to go with my friends next week sometime...I'm thrilled to death that I get to go again to our State Fair since I haven't been to it since 2007...No more parking lot garbage like there was in stupid Okinawa and everyone got excited over a few wooden booths set up in a crumbled up parking lot...They had to have been from a small town to get so worked up about something so pathetic cause really that was nothing...We have animals and the Ice Capades and the Rodeo, tons and tons of buildings to tour and show after show after show...I honestly can't wait......Only about 5 more days until I go!!!!!!!!!!

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