Sunday, December 5, 2010

Happy 5th Day of Hannukah!!!!!

So this was my very last full weekend here in Okinawa...I made it a good one, but everyday right now seems like the weekend until I get my life going again back in the states with work etc... and everything else set up like it was here....I only have a few days left here....five to be exact and we leave Saturday mid-morning sometime....I'm sooo excited but going to miss soo much here with what I've grown soo used to the past 4 years....I'm just grateful to finallyyyyyy be moving on from here...I've made sooooooooooooooooooo many new friends I can barely keep up with everyone..I don't have a problem getting along with people, so that's not an issue for me anywhere I go or being on here....and with me thinking just about everything is funny or disgusting or something or other and making wise-crack sarcastic jokes about whatever it is, then it's definately not a problem....No matter how much I like to be pampered and have everything done for me, I always can't go through with everything....I found out today that there is no way ever I can go through a massage ever ever ever.....I am soo far tooo way beyond ticklish I wouldn't stop squirming when they were just doing it halfway up my leg when I went for a pedicure before I go back home...There is nooo way I can go for a full body massage like I hear so many others talking about and how good they feel...I'm sure they do, but I would never last ever...I can hardly stand to get the very bottom of my foot touched without halfway loosing it and squinching away....not sure if that's even a word, but it can be one of mine.....I neverrrrrrrrrr want to go through that again....It was just an excuse to get out of the hotel room for a few hours and not have to wait on a computer when they are free in the middle of the night here and I have nooo problem then...;D hope everyone had a great weekend...I'm soo ready to get out of living out of a hotel room and back to my own of everything.....good night all...

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