Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy 8th Day Of Hanukkah!!!!!!!!

I've only 2 more full days left here in Okinawa....It still seems to be dragging even this close to leaving...One thing I will be glad to get away from are people bragging it up they have this and that decorated for Christmas when I don't have ANYTHING and have never even had a Christmas tree and have been living out of a cramped hotel room for the last 3 weeks.....It just seems completely unfair so I hope it passes soon...I'll be flying all weekend long, so this weekend is definately shottttt....I miss everything of mine that is somewhere on a boat in the middle of the ocean right now that I won't see until after the New Year...I'm not even sure when I'll see my comptuer again and my laptop won't connect of course in the room I'm in...I'm glad there is only 2 more days of this mess cause I'm pretty tired of knocking things over and not being able to turn around cause it's sooo cramped....but finally....NO ANTS.....NO BUGS....NO SPIDERS...NO LIZARDS...AND NOOOOO FROGSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stand any of those so I'm glad they haven't been around cause I surely haven't missed them!!!!!!!!!! It's turned colldddd here like cold for us in the 50's when it was just in the 80's the beginning of this week...Very strange weather they have here, and I never have gotten used to it...I've said it the whole entire time that "I'm not an Island person and never will be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I started looking at houses online UP ON THE EAST COASTTTTT SINCE THAT IS WHERE I BELONG ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! just for a nice thought to have and an escape from what I have to put up with now and what I have to keep living in now moving around as much as I do....I honestly can't wait to have a permanent home one day after moving so much..I get everything set up and it's all jerked out again and messed up...I don't know where anything is now again and it's going to take me all year to find anything before they come and pack me up again to move where ever it is to next.....I found one in the shape of a castle with 3 different stair cases♥♥♥ I hope it will still be around when we're ready to finally stay put.... ☺

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