Friday, December 10, 2010

4 Whole Years In Okinawa Japan...I made it cause I LEAVE TOMORROW!!!!!!! BON VOYAGE TO MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Hello again everyone...Today was my very last full day here in Okinawa, Japan...How did I spend it??? hmmm sick in bed half the day from stomach flu... I have no idea where that came from out of the blue, but still can't figure out for the life of me why oh why people here want to go around and stand in a circle EXAMINING VOMIT in the parking lot....Glad that time is over with now, and that it only lasted for part of today, but I still lost part of my time left here on what I wanted to do before I had to go around saying my good-byes to everyone which didn't happen...glad there is always internet...but still not the same....Still it's hot here on and off I won't miss this at allll and can't wait to see snow and ice again once I get to Seattle, Washington.....Since my whole entire weekend is completely shot with flying..I definately hope next weekend will make up ten times over for this lousy one...can't waitttt to talk to everyone again once I get settled whenever that will be....hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season now...I've been too busy getting everything together and trying to move back to the United States for an entire year to really enjoy anything...hopefully soon though...take care miss everyoneeeee....xxxx

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