Saturday, October 2, 2010

100 Places To See In Your Lifetime-Heaven On Earth#85-Tikal,Guatemala♥-"The ceremonial center of the Mayan civilization, these ruins in Guatemala can exert a potent sense of spirituality with pyramids rising above the treetops, palaces, terraces and temples superbly crafted from limestone in the middle of the dense jungle. The first village took root nearly 3,000 years ago and, over time, became a site engineered to measure up to the most important of rites, as well as a vital city of 100,000 people." I finally LEAVE for the resort tomorrow after waiting forever for this day to come...It is still here on Okinawa, I will only be like 10 minutes away from home, but there is a hot tub and an indoor swimming pool that keeps calling can't pass it up...I've tried but it's just not working...I can't waitttt I'm toooo excited and don't have to worry about only being limited to Japanese food since I can't stand it anyways....I honestly can't wait to go to Tokyo cause I'm sick of running into people here who I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT STAND!!!!!!!!!! Nothing is going on here of course....that's why I can't WAIT to leave for good!!! Only 2 more months, but it still seems to be dragging like crazy I don't care what everyone keeps telling me....I should be gone here before Christmas if everything goes according to plan like it should and they don't keep me waiting and waiting and not knowing anything....They really do get dumber here by the minute I'm not kidding...hmm if someone is as dumb as a ROCK, and someone else is as dumb as SAND...I think those two should make the perfect couple, best friendship, neighbors, workers, I ran into way tooo many today...I got sick of these crack head guys staring at me and yelled back at them asking if they wanted my autograph..... Stupid know-nothing guys here.... no one I would give the time of day to, and them not to me either, but wow they sure know how to bother a person to death and make them want to go crawl in a hole or something to get away from them....I just can't wait to leave here I don't care about this miserable place...I never did so it's long overdue for me to officially get outta here....ugghhh I got stuck doing MORE DREADED UNPACKING today...things were stacked up in the storage room, and we pulled them out, and everything was DRENCHED....DRENCHED from the humidity, it smelled sooo bad I ended up throwing even more out....My beautiful floral suitcases had the mold smell and I wasn't gonna deal with that, so it was out with them and went tonight to get one of the boring plain things they have here, since I live out of suitcase for about 2 weeks in temporary lodging...Pretty depressing but I wasn't putting up with another mold smell and getting sick off of it, when I just got over that a few weeks ago.....I hope this month flies by, last month just wouldn't seem to go away...I'll be on tomorrow before I leave here...:) good night everyone!!!!!

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