Saturday, October 13, 2012


me and the floor have gotten to know each other quite well throughout the years...not sure that I want to continue that rotten relationship with the floor though since it's caused me to have 2 broken teeth, 1-2 root canals, stitches in my forehead, ice pack for the bridge of my nose, stitches again on my upper eyebrow, knee brace on both my knees from falling full force while ice skating, fractured my right ankle when I was 11 or 12, and was in a cast for over 2-3 months, along with crutches, sprained my other ankle while visting my husband at his University and my stupid foot went off the sidewalk and completely backwards and it ended up turning purple and blue, removeable cast that time, but still crutches.(not sure why I'm saying all this!?!) so not a big fan of the floor as everyone can see!!!!!!! >:P . I'm sure that there are more but I've forced myself not to remember them...

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