Wednesday, October 17, 2012

4 am people and my sarcasm is at it's best...

How to get a woman mad in 2
easy steps: ;)
1. Take a picture of her. =O

2. Don't show it to her... =P =p

I am so gonna try this next time that I'm out in public since I have nothing to lose, and girls hate me anyways....I can't wait to see their pissy reaction as I'm walking (or running!!) off laughing...yes I am not afraid to do something like that while they are yelling out nasty names @ me...oh well !! I think that I hear a 3rd camera calling out my name that is a magenta (dark purple with pink to make the magenta colour) colour...I saw it and it's new digital style and I LOVE it!!!
 I will then have 3 coloured digital cameras and WILL NOT lose or mix up my phone chargers this time!!!!!!!!!  I made a big sign on the top of my desk with the words "LEAVE THE ELECTRONICS TO GUYS!! SUZY HAS NOOO IDEA ABOUT THEM AND IS COMPLETELY CLUELESS ABOUT ANYTHING THAT IS A PLUG IN DEVICE!!!!" maybe I should decorate it a little more though as an even more firm reminder to me and a serious warning that is out there not to go into places where I am completely helpless and totally whiny about it all..I can stick to my paintings and other art work and books and my college classes (muuuahh!!) but anything beyond that noooo waaayyyy!!!!!!!!
 I still seriously HATE HATE HATE Physiology though!!!!! that has to be the most boring subject to sit through on this planet earth..I always half way and falling asleep I am sooo bored and am counting down the days until I am done with the 6 months (it was either 3 or 6 months, and I of course went for the 6 months to get a certificate and talk my head off to anyone I see..I lost my voice twice last week and already once this week...and sometimes I just can't stop coughing like when you have a really bad cold...the temps here in Alaska are in the low 30's...we still have some snow on the ground now, but not very much of course...
I can't wait until there is a ton of it so I can go and slide down the hill in the back of us with mostly all the kids around here...adults think they are too good for things like that so screw them...not that I care cause I can't sit still when I see that, and can't stand to see everyone else having all the fun and me just sitting on the sidelines..not me at all so that is why I am sooo anxious for it to come!!! it's supposed to be sunny for the next 7 days, so I am furious again about this stupid weather situation...I check that everyday and nothing!!! now it's just dead slow here with everything...things pick up when there are tonz of outdoor activities going sledding is the first thing on my list this winter...
I can pretty much forget skiing..again I will have no idea what I'm doing and I can't stand looking so helpless when everyone else around me seems like a again, it's just the kids stuff for me!! dog sledding, inter tubing down the hill, ice skating, building snowmen, throwing ourselves in the snow up past our knees and loving it...
I sooo can't wait, and I can't wait to make a bunch of people mad with the picture thing...I'd take it with one camera, put it away, take it with my second camera, put that away, take it with my phone, put that one away, then take it with my 4th and final camera, then kind of give a salute like soldiers do, then take off in the direction of the mountains...I'd get snarls and stares but again, I really don't care!!! that is too funny to pass up!! people are soo snotty on military bases!! I know more people out in Anchorage, than I know in this institution!! I think it's better that way, and Alaskans don't have the pissy attitude saying that this state is better than the lower 48...I think that too, but I have a big mouth and always go around announcing it how much I love it here...gotta love me!!!!!!! love all my online 'night all !!
ღ~•••• I Can FeeL Ur HeArt BeAt ••••~ღ
How to get a woman mad in 2
easy steps: ;)
1. Take a picture of her. =O

 2. Don't show it to her... =P =D


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